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Edgar Degas

Le premier catalogue raisonné numérique

par Michel Schulman, expert
Photo de The Start of the Race

The Start of the Race

Circa 1882
Pastel, gouache et crayon graphite sur papier-calque sur carton
65,5 x 65,4 cm - 25 3/16 x 21 5/8 in.
Signé en bas à droite : Degas
Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, Etats-Unis - Inv. 42.214
Dernière mise à jour : 2023-10-29 04:24:17
Référence : MS-1518


Mme Montandon, Paris - Hector Brame, Paris - César de Hauke, New York - G. Seligmann, Paris - Mme Murray S. Danforth, Providence - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design.


Paris, galerie Les Arts, 1912 - Paris, galerie Georges Petit, 1924, n° 139 - Philadelphie, The Pennsylvania Museum of Art, 1936, n° 31, repr. p. 83 - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 1942, French Art from the 19th and 20th Centuries - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2005, fig. 37, repr. p. 54 - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2005-2006, Edgar Degas - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2008, From Dürer to Van Gogh.



Alexandre, Les Arts, août 1912, n° 128, p. 11 (repr.) - Lemoisne, 1946-1949, III, n° 889, repr. p. 519 - Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 1975, French Watercolors and Drawings from the Museum Collection, 1800-1910Handbook of the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, 1985, n° 185, repr. p. 253 - Washington, National Gallery, 1998, fig. 74 - Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, fig. 217, repr. p. 404 - Chantilly (Domaine), Jeu de Paume, 2018, fig. 56, repr. p. 144 - Oberthür, 2019, fig. 140, repr. p. 155.