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Edgar Degas

Le premier catalogue raisonné numérique

par Michel Schulman, expert
Photo de After the Bath

After the Bath

Pastel sur papier
30,5 x 24 cm - 12 x 9 7/16 in.
Belgrade , National Museum, Serbie -
Dernière mise à jour : 2024-07-22 23:04:18
Référence : MS-1072


Ambroise Vollard, Paris - Erich Slomovice, Paris - National Museum, Belgrade, 1949.


Zagreb, National Museum, , 1940, n° 39 - Belgrade, National Museum, 1950, n° 28 - Belgrade, National Museum, 1957, n° 5 - Belgrade, National Museum, 1965, n° 11 - Prague, National Museum, 1971, n° 10 - Lublijana, National Gallery, 1978, n° 11 repr. p. 75 - Zagreb, Belgrade, 1989-1990, Collection Erich Slomovic [Chlomovitch] du musée national de Belgrade, cat. 20, repr. pl. XIII - Tokyo, Tokyo Shimbun, 1991, Masterpieces of the 19th and 20th Centuries French Painting from the National Museum, n° 32 - Prague, National Gallery [Sternberg Gallery], 2003, From Corot to Bonnard. French Paintings of the XIXth and XXth Centuries of the National Gallery of Belgrade, n° 10 - Rome, Complesso del  Vittoriano, 2004-2005, n° 65, repr. p. 286.


Valéry, 1955, Degas, p. 86 - Rouart, Stevanovic, 1964, Degas et Renoir, n° 31 [Beograd].