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Edgar Degas

The first digital catalogue raisonné

by Michel Schulman, expert
Photo de The Violonist Seated. Study for the Danse Lesson

The Violonist Seated. Study for the Danse Lesson

Circa 1879
Pastel et fusain sur papier vert mis au carreau
39,2 x 29,8 cm - 15 3/8 x 11 11/16 in.
Cachet vente Degas en bas à gauche
Annotation : Inscription au verso : Ph 1017/2370
New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Etats-Unis - Inv. 19.51.1
Dernière mise à jour : 2024-10-21 06:53:17
Référence : MS-1170


Atelier Degas – Vente Degas, 1918, II, n° 171 (repr.) – New York, Metroplitan Museum, 1918.


New York, Metropolitan Museum, 1919, Recent Acquisitions - New York, The Grolier Club, 1922, Prints and Drawings and Bronzes by Degas - New York, Metropolitan Museum, 1977, n° 22 des oeuvres sur papier - Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1888-1989, n° 217, repr. p. 333 -  New York, Metropolitan Museum, 1996, Drawings and Prints in Permanent Collection - New York, Metropolitan Museum, 1988, The Private Collection of Edgar Degas - New York, Metropolitan Museum, 2005, Drawings and Prints in Permanent Collection.


Burroughs, Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 14, mai 1919, p. 115 – Manson, 1927, p. 48 - Lemoisne, 1946-1949, II, n° 451, repr. p. 249 – Browse, [1949], n° 100 – Cooper, 1952, p. 18, n° 11, pl. 11 – Wick, Bulletin of Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1959, p. 97, fig. 10, repr. p. 100  – Boggs, Cat. exp. Saint Louis, Philadelphie, Minneapolis, 1967, p. 154 – Lassaigne, Minervino, 1974, n° 504, repr. p. 110  – Moffett, Degas in the Metropolitan Museum, 1977, n° 22 (des oeuvres sur papier) - Brame, Reff, 1984, n° 99, repr. p. 109 - Keller, 1988, n° 97, p. 129 (repr.) - Boggs, Druick, Loyrette, Pantazzi, Tinterow, Cat. exp. Paris, Ottawa, New York, 1988-1989, n° 217, repr. p. 333 - Dumas, Ives, Stein, Tinterow, Cat. exp. Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1997, fig. 371,  pp. 271, 283, 28 (repr.) - Connaissance des Arts, Degas Hors série, 2019, repr. p. 17.

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Pastel et craie noire - 64,6 x 56,3 cm - Metropolitan Museum of Art (MS-221)
Fusain - Collection particulière (44)